The SMS System for Justine Members!
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Notice: This site cannot be used to place orders from Justine (Pty) Ltd. This site only facilitates the day to day tasks of a Justine Member and enable the import of Justine (Pty) Ltd related reports for the purpose of sending SMS's to the contacts.

Brought to you by RezSMS

Avon Employee?

Contact Us
In order to get the quickest response on each type of request, send an e-mail with the relevant info as below explained:

Report Packs:
If your team have changed, you can send the current Report Pack that Justine HQ sends you to this e-mail address to be updated.

Proof of Payments:
When you purchase credits, send the Proof of Payment to this e-mail address. If you don't send it, we should pick the payment up in 24hours. If you don't hear from us within 24hours, you can send this e-mail address an e-mail requesting that we update your credits.
New Members!

We have 2 systems: and

RezSMS is basically a Bulk SMS site. What we offer with it, is that we import your complete team and arrange them in groups of each Area, Type, LOA and Club Level. We also create groups for additions. You can then send a promotional or encouraging SMS to a group or single team member.

The Justine-Admin system essentially centers around the "Held Orders", this system allows you to upload your Held Orders report, and then it build a message from a template and SMS each person the amount outstanding that he needs to pay up, you can customise the message template.

The importing of your team we do free of charge, so to use the RezSMS system you don't need to pay any fixed fees, you only buy the SMS credits you need.

The Held Orders option available on the Justine-Admin costs R50/year.

To Get Started!

Decide if you need the Held Orders option and then register on either one of the websites metioned above.

Then you can send your Weekly Pack Report, so that we can import the team for you.

Then for Held Orders, you need to pay the R50 fee, but remember that you also need to purchase your first set of credits, so you can pay both amounts in one transaction.

When you register the first time, you will also need to buy credits, the registration process on will lead you to a screen where you can choose what package you would like to start with. If not you can go to: SMS Area->Account->Buy Credits once you have registered and logged in. 

Then after we have activated your Justine-Admin account and updated your SMS credits, you can login and upload the Held Orders Report everyday or when you feel necessary.

We do not support Credit Card payments at the moment, so all payments is EFT or deposits into our bank account. The details of which will be send to you via E-mail when you "purchase" credits.


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